Salon Kitty
SS-Building, Ufficio Biondo
Synopsis Ken Adam
"[Christopher Frayling:] One of the most memorable sets in Salon Kitty is the vast Nazi office, which is so large that the officer roller-skates the length and the breadth of it. It has huge high ceilings, giant windows and swastikas everywhere. It's overpowering.
[Ken Adam:] Well I wanted to do it that way. And when you say roller-skating, in Italy it was cheaper to use real marble when we were doing a shiny floor than to do a mock-up, but of course nobody believed it at the time."
Christopher Frayling: Ken Adam and the Art of Production Design. London 2005, S. 205.
- Content motif general:
- Innenraum
- Content motif specific:
- Bürooffice
- Subject:
- FahneBanner (Flag)
- Hakenkreuz
- FensterWindow
- Associated subject:
- Machtzentralen und Versammlungssäle
- SS
- BerlinHandlungsort
- Marmor
- Reichssicherheitshauptamt
- Associated person:
- Berger, Helmut
- Steiner, John
- Related movie:
- Salon Kitty